How do I register?
You can register by visiting the LOG IN section. All you need to do is enter your mobile number and email ID; a verification link will be sent on your email ID, please click on it to authenticate your account. You can also log in with your Facebook or Google account.
What are the benefits of registering?
By registering with us you can view and track your orders any time by logging into your account. Registered members also enjoy exclusive previews and updates by subscribing to our newsletter.
Is there a reward program?
No, we currently do not offer any rewards or loyalty program.
I forgot my password, how do I reset it?
Click on the ‘Forgot Password’ option available on the Log In page. A link to set a new password will be sent to your registered email id.
Can I edit my personal information?
Yes. You can edit your personal information in the ‘My Account’ section by logging in.
Is it mandatory to register to shop?
You don’t have to register to shop with us. You can visit as a guest and make a purchase from our website.
Do I have to disclose my e-mail id and phone number for registration?
Yes, it is important to disclose these details as it helps facilitate a smooth operation and ensures a secure shopping transaction for you. Rest assured, your data will remain secure with us. You can see our Privacy Policy HERE.
How do I unsubscribe from your services?
We’re sorry to see you leave. However, you can opt out of our services by clicking the ‘Unsubscribe’ option in the ‘My Account’ section.
Do you have a shop/studio/showroom somewhere?
Yes, we have a showroom at Mumbai’s iconic Heritage district, Horniman Circle. You can access the Location on Google Maps HERE
Do you wholesale?
Yes. If you are a retailer interested in stocking No-Mad, we’d love to hear from you! Please get in touch on, with the subject line WHOLESALE with a little bit about your store and if there are any products or collections that you are particularly interested in, and we’ll happily send you the relevant wholesale catalogs and relevant information.
Are your products handmade?
Most of products are handmade by skilled artisans, craftsman and makers sourced from across India. Making by hand can naturally lead to slight variations in size, finish and color.
Do you offer made-to-order service?
We are happy to customize your product in terms of sizes, where possible. For collaborations and projects, we are happy to create exclusive prints and colors, subject to minimum order quantities. Please get in touch with our customer care by email or Whatsapp: +91 98203 61687.
How do I care for my No-Mad Product?
All our products are hand printed/handmade and should be looked after with love! Please check the product details for specific care instructions, but in general we recommend that most products are dry cleaned and kept out of direct sunlight. If you are hand or machine washing products, we recommend you use a non-biological detergent with no optical whiteners, bleaching agents or enzymes as these can cause colors to fade or become patchy. All our fabrics are 100% natural and printed with water based inks. As with all natural fabrics, they may fade with time.
Who is your media contact?
For any media/press related enquiries please get in touch with us on with the subject Line: PRESS.
How do I get in touch with your Customer Care Team?
Our Customer Care Team is always happy to help.
Call or Whatsapp us on +91 98203 61687 at 9:30 am – 6:00 pm IST (Monday to Saturday) except all national holidays or email us on
When will the Customer Care Team respond to my query?
Our Customer Care Team will get in touch with you within 24 hours to help you resolve your query.